BBC Backstage: tools for remixing the Beeb to your spec

The BBC has just dropped its pants in the best way imaginable, with a new service called BBC Backstage — Whitelabel's Stef Magdalinski calls it "A Creative Archive for data," and that's as good a concept line as any.

BBC Backstage is a collection of feeds, APIs, and other tools for remixing the BBC's digital offerings, to "make your stuff using our stuff." They want the world to convert the BBC's raw material into individualized, idiosyncratic and wildly imaginative applications. It's the Flickrization of the Beeb and it's so exciting I can scarce contain myself: is the BBC's new developer network, providing content feeds for anyone to build with. Alternatively, share your ideas on new ways to use BBC content. This is your BBC. We want to help you play.


(via Whitelabel)