Unfortunate Cookie: Random Vintage Weird Generator for All Your Procrastination Needs

Footnote.com collects 59,818,947 (Why yes, that is a very exact number, isn't it?) scanned historical documents, from places like the National Archives and Library of Congress. But that can be a little overwhelming when you don't have a specific item you're trying to find.

Enter "Unfortunate Cookie", Footnote.com's random document generator that pulls up some great, eye-catching news headlines (and full stories) from decades past, such as:

Woman Becomes Insane on Train (San Francisco Chronicle, 1907)

Murdered in His Bed: Aged Roanoke Man Victim of Stealthy Assassin:
Head Cut Open With an Ax
(The Washington Post, 1906)

Wheel Gone, Santa Flips His Car (Florida Today, 1969)

I'll confess, I'm not sure why the site includes a fortune cookie theme, the documents are interesting enough without it. But in general, it's a great (and quickly addictive) peek into the past.