National Organization for Women backs Net Neutrality

A reader writes, "The National Organization for Women is calling to action everyone in the U.S. to push for net neutrality. They're specifically supporting the Internet Freedom Preservation Act of 2009 (H.R. 3458), and have a page up for contacting representatives in congress to push for it as well."

The Internet has allowed NOW to connect like never before with members and allies, potential supporters, students and educators, government leaders and countless others who can help advance equality for all.

The Internet offers a platform for dialogue amongst feminists who might not otherwise have a chance to strategize together. It empowers women by providing them with information about their status, threats to their rights and opportunities for advancement. It presents a tool for democratic participation by allowing women's rights advocates to easily petition their elected officials and keep tabs on their records.

Without a doubt, the women's rights movement benefits immensely from the unprecedented power of an open and accessible Internet. But, can we rely on the big companies that bring us the Internet to preserve its open nature? The simple truth is: No, we can't.

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