Jenny Ryan's Craft how-to: a comic book starburst


No Carl Barks comic books were destroyed in the making of this starburst.

My friend Jenny Ryan is writing a weekly how-to for Craft. Her first project — a comic book starburst to put on a giftwrapped present!

Every Tuesday you can look forward to a brand new CRAFT tutorial–from sewing to cooking to knitting and more. Let's start off with a fun paper project, shall we?

I was looking for a fun and inexpensive way to decorate gifts, and settled on these Comic Book Starbursts (maybe because I'm married to a cartoonist!). Of course you could use any kind of paper you like, be it scrapbook paper, hand-stamped construction paper, or even stiff fabric. Read on to find out how to do it!

Jenny Ryan's Craft how-to: a comic book starburst