Free downloadable sf novel: GREY, "high-fashion dystopia"

Loss sez, "Night Shade Books has just made Jon Armstrong's novel GREY available as a free download (as they did with Richard Kadrey's BUTCHER BIRD last month). This stunning 'high-fashion dystopia' has been nominated for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award, and is one of the best books I read last year. If you haven't yet checked out GREY, you should."

Nora and I finished our fried whale and plum sandwiches, our cream coffees, and the cocoa and coca pastries, and sat in a comfortable silence as landscapes of buildings and millions of well-wishers whirred past the windows at six hundred kilometers per hour. Halfway on our train-date, after the conductor blew the massive, buzzing horn, and the waitresses in their black-and-yellow-striped honeybee uniforms, complete with dangerously sharp-looking stingers, cleared the dishes, Nora closed her right eye and gazed at me with her left; I, in turn, did the same, and it was like we were the perfect couple.

This was our fourth and last date before our marriage, and while the whole thing had been arranged between our parents to complete the merger of our families' companies, I could not have imagined or wished for someone as wonderful as she. Standing just an inch below my six foot three, with shiny black hair, a light walnut complexion, and obsidian eyes, her features were wide and open like an innocent doll, but she was also intelligent and witty. Most impressive of all was that she, like myself, loved the fashion magazine Pure H. We quoted from it, dressed and struck poses like the models, and felt that we were just like the beautiful and tragic people of our dreams.


(Thanks, Loss!)

See also: Kadrey's Butcher Bird — free download