Canadian minister answers your questions about gov't net-spying

Remember last week's post calling for tough questions with Stockwell Day, the Canadian Minister responsible for proposing — and the backpedalling on — a PATRIOT Act-like net-tapping regime for Canada? Well, Jesse Brown from CBC Radio's SearchEngine sez, "Great news! Our crowd-sourced interview with Stockwell Day is on
today's episode!

"His office initially seemed quite reluctant to grant us the interview,
but after we brought to their attention the public outcry that had
erupted on our blog- thanks in no small part to BoingBoing readers – they
found time for us, and we put the people's (very tough) questions to the
Minister. Have a listen- I think you'll find our exchange pretty
interesting. And thanks for your help in getting the Canadian
government to answer for this!"


(Disclosure: I am a paid columnist for SearchEngine)