Campaign to save man imprisoned at Gitmo

In 2002, hospital worker and teacher Adel Hamad was picked up in a routine sweep of Arabs living in Pakistan and promptly shipped off to Guantánamo. The allegations against him are ridiculous. Hamad's lawyer went to Afghanistan and Pakistan and interviewed the people who knew him, creating a short documentary in the process. By all accounts, Adel Hamad is a kind, apolitical man who dedicated his life to helping others.

However, the Bush administration nullified habeas corpus, and so Hamad is not able to get a trial to prove his innocence.

His supporters have launched "Project Hamad," using "Andre has a posse" style posters to raise awareness of his plight. The video is about 9 minutes long.

200702020929Adel Hamad was a teacher of elementary school orphans, a hospital worker, and someone who coordinated the delivery of food, medicine and blankets to refugees. He has been imprisoned for 5 years and classified as an enemy combatant, despite the lack of any allegations or evidence that he ever acted against the U.S. or its allies, or even had political sympathies for those who did. His friends and colleagues describe him as a funny, apolitical man who loved charity work and ping-pong. One of the U.S. Army Majors at his Tribunal called his detention unconscionable.
