P-mail: Paper-based messaging. Like email but slower!

BoingBoing reader Gary Kemble says,

Inspired by "Get a First Life" I've developed P-mail: Paper-based e-mail. Print out the template, write to your friends, and 'post' the letter! P-Mail: 'It's like e-mail, only slower'


Reader comment: Marilyn Terrell of National Geographic Traveler magazine says,

When I read your post about P-mail, I immediately thought of the perfect way to send it: using Brian Sack's ingenious Apple iPad: Link.

lollerkeet says,

The P-Mail thing reminded me of this service Staedler runs: Link. I can't vouch for its quality, as I haven't actually used it, but it claims to handwrite messages you input and send them to any address in Australia.