Salon posts archive of Abu Ghraib photos, videos, reports

Salon has published 279 photographs, 19 videos, and reports about the Army's internal investigation into detainee abuse inside Abu Ghraib — along with background on how the publication obtained these materials. To date none of the officers involved in the human rights scandal have been brought to justice in a court of law.

Shown here, Cpl. Graner posing with "The mangled corpse of Manadel al-Jamadi, known as the 'Ice Man,' who died during interrogation by a CIA officer. No one at the CIA has been prosecuted, even though al-Jamadi's death was ruled a homicide."  Link to Salon archive. (Thanks, sponselli).

Previous BoingBoing posts on photos and reports related to the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal: Link. And incidentally, internet filtering software maker Secure Computing told us that these photos would be considered sufficient grounds to block a site as a "nudity site" in Smartfilter — as BoingBoing is. Link to background, here's more.