Wife of MN Satanic gubernatorial candidate fired for being witch

Regular Boing Boing readers may recall a recent post here about Jonathan "The Impaler" Sharkey, the self-described vampire who ran for governor in Minnesota. Sharkey's wife, Julie Carpenter, worked as a bus driver for a school district in that state for four years with a flawless record — but was fired last week when the school district superintendent learned she was a pagan. Ms. Carpenter responded in a Metafilter thread on the matter with a scanned image of the letter (JPEG link) sent by that official to her former employer. Note to intolerant bureaucrats: it's not wise to fuck with witches. Particularly those who are consorts of sword-wieldin', blood-drinkin', batik-wearin' politicians. (Thanks, Craig and Jeremy)

Reader comment: Anonymous says,

Is The Impaler's "real" name "Rocky Adonis Flash" or "Darth Hurricane"? The images directory has a restraining order against him and several emails from the republican party to Rocky Adonis Flash. A simple google search and it seems that he ran for senator in Florida in 2002, and New Jersey in 2000.

Reader comment: Ronald L. Jones says,

What the Princeton School District did was illegal. Paganism is a religion and even the United States Armed Forces recognizes Paganism as a religion. And according to the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), jobs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Also, the Civil Rights Act of 1991 provides monetary damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination. She should definitely sue and ultimately win the resulting lawsuit. When people can get away with crap like this, it makes me start to lose faith in this world.