I am the very model of a Singularitarian — transcendent song-parody

Over on KurzweilAI, someone has rewritten the words to Gibert and Sullivan's "I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" as "I am the very model of a Singularitarian," with lyrics celebrating the drive to transcend the flesh.

I am the very model of a Singularitarian
I'm combination Transhuman, Immortalist, Extropian,
Aggressively I'm changing all my body's biochemistry
Because my body's heritage is obsolete genetically,
Replacing all the cells each month it's here just temporarily
The pattern of my brain and body's where there's continuity,
I'll try to improve these patterns with optimal biology,
("But how will I do that? I need to be smarter. Ah, yes…")
I'll expand my mental faculties by merging with technology,
Expand his mental faculties by merging with technology,
Expand his mental faculties by merging with technology
Expand his mental faculties by merging with technology

There's an MP3, but it's in some ridiculous streaming-media wrapper that wouldn't just open and play in my browser, so I have no idea what it sounds like. How silly.

Archive.org Wayback Machine mirror


(Thanks, Matt!)

Update: Andre sent us a working MP3 link — thanks, Andre!