Joi Ito's NYT op-ed on Hiroshima, Nagasaki

Snip from Joi Ito's blog:

In the middle of my slightly insane two sleepless days at OSCON, I got an email from the New York Times asking me to write an op ed. They wanted me to write about my thoughts about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the bombing. They said the deadline was Friday. "You mean next Friday?" "No, the day after tomorrow." "Oh."

My mind was full of open source and the future of the Internet. The atomic bomb and World War II were definitely not on my mind. It would be an interesting challenge and it's not every day that the New York Times asks you to do an op ed, so I accepted. (…) The story will run in the New York Times on Sunday in the Op Ed section.

Link to post on Joi's blog. Link to NYT op-ed.