No blowjobs for you!

Guess we'll have to find something new to blog about:

[T]he Internet [Ed. note — Read: BoingBoing] has been abuzz about an alleged hack into Target's Web operations, where its online store site appeared to offer items for sale that one wouldn't normally expect to find at the mainstream retailer. When customers typed "marijuana" into the search feature of Target's Web site, books and CDs about marijuana appeared that Target wouldn't want to sell. Worse–at least for Target–books, CDs and DVDs related to sex and drugs appeared when other words were entered.

"When a guest logs on to and searches for a particular word, that search includes's millions of books, music and (movie) titles," Target said in its statement. " is currently working with to suppress certain titles from the catalog from appearing on the web site."

Link to story, and link to related BoingBoing posts about Target selling anal massage, more anal massage, blowjobs, crack, MDMA, and marijuana. That was quite some inventory! (thanks Steve)